Orientation: FAQ

Don’t see your question listed? Email the Center for International Students (CIS) at intladmit@truman.edu with any questions or concerns.

  1. What is orientation? Who has to attend?
  2. What is Truman Week?
  3. Will I be able to buy basic supplies (bedding, school supplies, hygiene products, food, etc.)?
  4. What resources are available to me as I adjust to life at Truman and in the rural Midwestern United States?

1. What is orientation? Who has to attend?

Orientation entails a series of interactive lectures, games and activities designed to provide new international students with all of the information they need to know about attending Truman and living in Kirksville. During Orientation, we cover a variety of essential information, including how to maintain legal status in the United States, how to adjust to the American classroom and campus, and how to register for classes. We will also explain health insurance, employment options, money management, communication tools, and much more. Orientation is required for beginning freshman, transfer students, exchange students, visiting students, and graduate students.

2. What is Truman Week?

Truman Week is designed to help all first-year students — American and international — adjust to college life at Truman. Students take part in classes, campus and community tours, a variety of social events, introductions to majors and other activities that introduce them to Truman.

3. Will I be able to buy basic supplies (bedding, hygiene products, etc.) when I arrive?

Yes. During Orientation, we will take several trips to Wal-Mart, a general department store where you will likely buy most of your essentials while at Truman. Wal-Mart offers a great variety of food, clothing, hygiene and beauty supplies, home and office supplies, and much more. Once the semester has begun, Campus Christian Fellowship will provide weekly transportation to Wal-Mart, or students can make arrangements to go to Wal-Mart with friends or Cultural Integration Leaders (CILs). Kirksville also offers many other grocery and general stores and is a short trip from major shopping centers.

4. What resources are available to me as I adjust to life at Truman and in the rural Midwestern United States?

The Center for International Students exists to serve Truman State University’s international student population through a philosophy of empowerment. We will be available throughout your college career to assist with any questions or concerns you may have. Our staff is very knowledgeable of how the classroom and University function, and our workers command a great understanding of the international student experience and international students’ needs.

The Center for International Student also provides Cultural Integration Leaders for both on-campus and off-campus students. CILs are American students who are available to answer questions, facilitate the cultural and university adjustment of international students, and create a supportive living and learning environment. Generally, CILs serve to assist international students in adjusting culturally, creating social relationships and attaining academic success.