International Student Registration Guide: Payment of Tuition and Fees

You must pay all tuition and fees (including housing, orientation, insurance, activities fee, etc.) by Friday of the first week of classes each semester.

Options for payment of the fees include:

  • Wire money using Flywire at This is the only accepted method to wire fees to Truman.
  • Pay by e-check, an electronic debit to your checking or savings account, available online at TruView for students or for authorized users.
  • Pay by check at the payment drop box at the cashier window in McClain Hall 105 or mail to the following address: Truman State University, Business Office, McClain Hall 105, 100 E Normal, Kirksville, MO 63501-4221
  • Pay by Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express credit cards online at TruView for students or for authorized users. A convenience fee will be added to the payment amount. The fee on debit or credit cards online is 2.95%.
  • Do not bring cash to pay your fees. If stolen, cash cannot be replaced.

Refunds of over-pay:

  • Students seeking refunds can receive up to $1000 upon request.
  • Students seeking refunds of $1000 to $3000 must have approval (in writing via fax or email) from their financial sponsor.
  • Refunds above $3000 are not allowed.  Excess funds above $3000 will be applied to the next semester’s fees.
  • To arrange refunds, go to the Student Accounts Section of the Business Office in McClain Hall 105.