International Friends Student Interest Form This is not an application for admission, this is a form for current Truman State University Students, if you would like to apply to Truman please click here Thank you 1. Personal Information: Family Name* Given Name* Preferred Name/Nickname I am a* Male Female Banner ID* Truman Username* Email* Address Line 1* Address Line 2 City* State/Province/Region* Zip/Postal Code* Country of Origin* Phone Number* Primary Major* Secondary Major Primary Minor Secondary Minor Year at Truman* No Response Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Exchange Language(s) you speak* Dietary Restrictions Allergies (food, animals, etc...) I have regular access to a car a bike I smoke* Yes No 2. Interest/Hobbies Please list hobbies and other interests you have (music, sports, arts, etc) Please list your organization/club involvement I am uncomfortable around animals Yes No If yes, please specify Cats Dogs Other If other, please specify Religious background/affiliation (optional) Please write a minimum of two paragraphs on why you are interested in being a part of the International Friends program.* Additional Comments Do not fill in the following field Google Recaptcha response